1. Create file
fort.8 from a
template.car file, with columns 62-63 modified according to the codes (See
- c it distinguishes : c1,c2,c3 as sp3 carbons: primary, sec., tert.
- c it distinguishes : ca = C(sp2), c6 = C(arom), n4 =N(cuaternary)
- c it distinguishes : h = H , o = O
- c it distinguishes : c9 = C(carbonyl, as in C=O)
- c it assigns : c0 = general c1,c2,c3
- c it assigns : c4 = C(cuaternary)
- c (otherwise you can relabel 'c4' to 'c3' if pots are the same)
- c it assigns : n0 = general n1,n2,n3
2. Create a connectivity file
fort.9 from a .pdb file
template.pdb . The
template.pdb file is obtained from the
template.car file using babel:
babel -icar template.car -opdb template.pdbawk -f pdb2con.awk < template.pdb > fort.93. The files
fort.11, fort.12 and
fort.13 are fixed and they must be in the directory.
4. Run the
con2fie executable, which is going to generate the
fort.10 and
fort.14 files. These files are the the input files for DL_POLY (
fort.10 ) and GULP (
con2fie5. Run the awk scripts skip-repeated.awk onto fort.14
awk -f skip_repeated.awk < fort.14 > fort.14-1and
awk -f forcefield_repeated.awk < fort.14-1> fort.14-2
6. If
a torsion term makes part of the force field, then add a number code following the rule:
n=3 if Angle= 0.0
n=2 if Angle= 180.0
torsion bond intra
h core c1 core ca core h core 0.0108 0.0
h core ca core ca core h core 0.3254 180.0Add:
torsion bond intra
h core c1 core ca core h core 0.0108 3 0.0
h core ca core ca core h core 0.3254 2 180.07. You're ready to go. The file
fort.14-2 is your Hydrocarbon ForceField in GULP format.
8. Files
fort.1 and
fort.10 are the files needed by DL_POLY
FIELD file.
fort.1 has information about the 2-Body, 3-Body and Dihedral intramolecular force field.
fort.10 is a check-out file with 2, 3 and 4 body connectivity.
9. Charges for the forcefield are obtained from the
template.car using the "
charges.awk" awk script.
awk -f
charges.awk <
template.car > template.chargesThe output file contains the individual charges of every atom in the molecule and the average charge value for atom type.